Project objectives
The overall objective of the project is to improve digital language teaching and virtual exchange in the participating countries – and the rest of the EU member states in the next couple of years. By implementing the project, it will achieve the following specific and innovative objectives:
- To develop new teaching guidelines for digital language learning.
- To develop easily accessible methods for virtual language exchange.
- To establish a sustainable organisational model anchored at the regional level.
- Denmark: Central Region Denmark https://www.rm.dk/om-os/english/
- Europe: European Schoolnet http://www.eun.org/
- Belgium: Go! Onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap https://www.g-o.be/
- Norway: Departamento de Educación Vestland Fylskeskommune https://www.vestlandfylke.no/
- Kristau Eskola
What’s in it for participating schools?
The project aims to create the following value for students, teachers and school management.
The most important target group is the students of foreign languages at the partner schools involved. We expect the guidelines for digital language learning to have a positive effect on students’ language competencies. Furthermore virtual language exchange will be much more accessible, which is expected to have a positive effect on student motivation.
Through teacher seminars, the teachers involved in the project will gain digital competencies that will improve the content of their everyday teaching. In addition to that, they will have access to a “plug and play” solution for virtual language exchange. Furthermore, they will get access to a valuable network of teachers from the four regions and they will improve their digital teaching skills through applying the new guidelines and methods as well as through working with the new organisational model.
The headmasters and schools in the project will get access to knowledge about European best practice within online teaching, which they have struggled and experimented with during the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover it is an opportunity to join an attractive international network and gain experience with the Erasmus+ programme, which can create new funding possibilities. Finally they will gain visibility and be promoted as digital pioneers that makes it easy to connect with partner schools for virtual language teaching events in the future.